Real estate investments doubts

Frequently Asked Questions

1)  I need CPF or CNPJ for I can buy Properties in Brazil?

Yes, is possible make online CPF https://servicos.receita.fazenda.gov.br/Servicos/CPF/InscricaoCpfEstrangeiro/default.asp

1.1 ) CPF what is ?

The Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) is the registry maintained by the Federal Revenue of Brazil, where any natural person must register once, regardless of age or nationality.

1.2) What CNPJ is ?

CNPJ Is  the Brazil company identification number that must be obtained from the Department of Federal Revenue.

     Accountants usually help in the bureaucratic process of opening a business,

Facilite  https://www.facilite.co/ is an brazilian accounting Startup  that can help you open your business in Brazil,

 their WhatsApp : +5561981657403

1.3) What is CNAE codes ( códigos CENAE) in Brazil  ?   

They are códigos CNAE (Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas = National Classification of Economic Activities)

They are registration codes for each different type of work in Brazil, it helps to organize the payment of taxes exactly according to which specific work a code is intended for in every CNPJ .

Receita federal website: https://www.gov.br/receitafederal/pt-br/canais_atendimento/fale-conosco/empresa/cnpj/orientacoes-sobre-cnae

2) Please, what is CRECI / CRECIRJ or CRECISP ?

CRECI is an acronym for Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers, a supervisory for the Real Estate agent profession plus Real Estate companies too, CRECI whose function is to organize and control the practice of professionals in the area in Brazil, every brasilian State has 1 CRECI, in Rio de Janeiro is Conselho Regional de Corretores de Imóveis da 1ª Região/RJ (CRECI-RJ) , in São Paulo is Conselho Regional de Corretores de Imóveis do Estado de São Paulo - 2ª Região (CRECISP )

2.1) My Real Estate agent or my Broker in Brazil need to have CRECIRJ to work in Rio de Janeiro?


3) What is CNAI ?

CNAI is Cadastro Nacional de Avaliadores de Imóveis , the oficial the official register of Brazilian professional real estate brokers qualified to carry out real estate appraisals of sale value

4) Can my lawyer sell, rent, manage the ads for my properties without being a realtor, without registering with the council of brokers in Brazil CRECIRJ in Rio de Janeiro?

No,No, because it is illegal in Brazil , In Brazilian law 3688, in Article 47 of the Criminal Misdemeanors Law, the illegal exercise of a profession is liable to be punished with jail up to 30 days or court fines .

  -------  The WhatsApp number to denounce any illegal act in Real estate in Rio de Janeiro

at CRECIRJ by WhatsApp is +5521998004882 

--------  To ask about or denounce  lawyers acts from Rio de Janeiro is possible in the

e-mail OAB Rio de Janeiro :


In person :             OAB/RJ

- Address: - Av. Marechal Câmara, 150. Rio de Janeiro - 

Is in the near to   Santos Dumont Airport

4.1) In OAB São Paulo website has Lawyers are not allowed to practice their profession within the premises of a real estate company, nor to practice law concurrently with real estate administration and brokerage, as it configures client acquisition, unfair competition and disrespect for professional secrecy.

-- You can check on their website OABSP:  https://www.oabsp.org.br/tribunal-de-etica-e-disciplina/ementario/2016/E-4.593.2016

5) What are the law of Real estate agent in Brazil? 

           Lei nº 6.530, de 12 de maio de 1978

6) What by law in Brazil my Realtor, Broker, Real Estate Agent are responsible for please?

For security reasons in any real estate transaction in Brazil 

 Art. 723 of Law No. 10,406, of January 10, 2002 - Civil Code makes any real estate company or any Realtor  agents responsible for the security in the real estate transaction , so is need to check all document's update under 90 days and be with the clients in any legal acts to protect the clients in any scam possibility .

7 ) What is COFECI ?

COFECI is Brazilians Federal Council of Realtors,

COFECI Supervises the work of the CRECI, organizes the CRECI elections, also organizes the national list of professionals who have taken the course and registered to carry out market price real estate appraisals https://www.cofeci.gov.br/avaliadores-imoveis

8)  What do property managers charge for managing an Airbnb Property in Brazil?

Depending the Service quality , our Brazilian Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers in São Paulo, suggesting 30% , but people are free to negotiate mostly asking for 12% up to 20% https://www.crecisp.gov.br/.../tabelareferencialdehonorarios

9) Feel free to ask us !


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